Hi <3


RAM is an abreviation for Random Access Memory. RAM is the temporary memory of the computer. It consists of 1's and 0's, which represents on and off, that form data or other forms of memory. RAM has little pins on the bottom of it, so it is able to connect to the motherboard.

The connection between RAM and CPU

And that's where everything is connected. The motherboard connects the RAM and CPU (Central Processing Unit) with a bunch of wires. When the CPU needs something, it gets that data from the RAM. The RAM is able to instantly get that data and ship it to the CPU, but the CPU has more influence than only that. The CPU is able to also change data from the RAM, it's basicly updating the RAM to fit it's current state. For instance RAM could have the info that spotify is open, but when you decide to close the app, the CPU changes the RAM so that spotify is no longer open. And so it works with every little change that happens on your devices.

Introduction to the processor (or CPU, whatever you prefer)

Processors are a part of whatever device you're currently viewing this webpage. It is in phones, computers, laptops, even your nintendo 3ds that you have you have abandoned. In other words, processors are essential for an electronic device to function properly. So if they are so essential, what do they actually do?


Processors work in phases. There are in total 4.

  1. Fetch phase:Here it fetches the code.
  2. Decode phase:Here it takes that code, and translates it to an actual set of instructions.
  3. Execution phase:In this phase it executes the instructions.
  4. Saving phase:Finally, it saves it.

Von Neumann architecture

The von Neumann architecture was based on a description by, you guessed it, John von Neumann. It is a design architecture for an electronic digital computer. What might this architecture be capable of you ask? Well you see, this architecture treats instructions like data, which allows it to make assemblers, compilers, linkers, loaders and other automated programming tools possible. It makes "Programs that write programs" possible so to speak. The term "von Neumann architecture" has evolved to refer to any stored-program computer in which an instruction fetch (collection phase) and a data operation cannot occur at the same time. Wonder how the von Neumann architecture looks? Well, there is a scheme down below that showcases how it works in a simple way.


The limitations

This architecture has sadly also some limitations, since nothing can be perfect after all. One of these limitations is something called the 'von Neumann bottleneck' which is the fact that the data transfer rate between the CPU and memory (compared to the amount of memory) is limited due to the fact that the bus (communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer) can only access one of the two at a time. The fact that the CPU's speed and memory size have evolved much faster than the other component, this becomes increasingly more of a problem.

Binary code

The binary system is a big part of why the processor works. It gets the binary code, and translates it in actual instructions for the device to follow. If you want to know more about binary code just click the button in the container down below.

Binary system


Binary system yay :3